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if-completely-visible-x: selector [scope(selector)];

This conditional action will return true if the selector has its entire width visible on the screen. This conditional does not take into account overlaying elements.

selector = The selector you want to check. This can be any valid CSS selector that will return one result. If more than one result is gotten from the selector, the first one will be chosen.

scope = The container element that holds the boundaries of the element to check. If this is not specifed, the container will be the document itself.


For example, this will return true if the element #myDiv has its width fully visible on the screen.

@conditional myDivOnScreen {
    if-completely-visible-x: #myDiv;

When used on an event selector with no parameters in parentheses, it will default to checking "self". Eg. #myDiv:if-completely-visible-x: ...

Note: To check if an element is at least partially visible on the screen, see the "if-visible" conditional action.