Using comments in the config
You can put comments into the config.
You can only use the /* ... */ syntax, like CSS.
For example:

/* This is my amazing config. */
#myDiv:mouseover {
console-log: "You just moused over myDiv."; /* you can put comments where you want */
Do not use // for comments in your config. Things will probably break if you do. That comment type is not supported in CSS or Active CSS.
Comments will be removed everywhere they are found, by default. To display comments via the render command, use the syntax \/* ... *\/, eg:

render: "This will display: \/* some comments *\/";
The example above should render "This will display : /* some comments */".
Note that when minifying ACSS config and removing whitespace, which is done manually currently, care should be taken not to accidentally create the strings "\/*" and "*\/" when they are not wanted, otherwise you may create bugs that are difficult to spot.